Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Vacation!!

We recently returned from our 10 day vacation of the summer. This was a bittersweet trip for us since we have just decided to put a hold on vacations for the next couple of years in order to concentrate all of our efforts toward making some serious headway in our 5 year financial plan. This was a hard pill for us to swallow as we LOVE travel and LOVE teaching our children how to travel. However, with a little delayed gratification now, we hope to have mountain-loads of fun later. Over the next couple years, exploration will be limited to areas close to home for shorter periods of time. *sigh* Anyway, enough of that......

This trip started in Atlanta where we were invited to celebrate Micah's paternal grandmother's 90th birthday. What an amazing thing to celebrate!! She has lived a long and full life (as an avid traveler, she's probably a contributing source of Micah's travel gene) and was happy to spend the weekend surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

We decided to continue on from there on our own to visit parts of the great South we have never seen before.....Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC. We enjoyed exploring the beautiful towns and beaches and mostly spending some much needed time together.

Personally, I love the South for it's rich culture and history. In Charleston we stayed in an old wherehouse that survived the Civil War and was later converted into a hotel. You just don't see very many buildings that old out here in the West. And in Savannah, we rented the floor apartment of an old Victorian house with a gorgeous garden - Awesome!

Our days at the beach were probably the most fun. In AZ, we have all beach with no ocean, so it was especially fun for the girls. All of them dove right in with no fear whatsoever and getting them out was nearly impossible. When they weren't jumping waves, they were gathering seashells and digging holes. Hours and hours of fun were had.

Sadly, it all came to an end too quickly and we had to come home to temperatures above 110 degrees and much to do.

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