Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Injury Prone Girls

#3 broke her arm yesterday at her well check. That's right, AT the doctor's office. She fell off a chair while we were waiting. I could tell, almost immediately, that it was broken. Doc sent us to get an x-ray and then off to a pediatric orthopedic doctor. Fortunately and unfortunately, the break is in a location that cannot be casted - left upper humerus near her shoulder. It's good because casts are uncomfortable and inconvenient. It's bad because there's no real way to protect her. She gets to determine her activity level herself. She's not bearing weight on it and so long as it hurts, she will continue to not bear weight. BUT, if she falls, it HURTS. Not much we can do.

So, here's my question:

Who is the person that started this rumor that having girls is, somehow, physically easier than having boys. This idea that girls sit quietly in pretty dresses, play with dolls and host tea parties has NEVER been true in my house. My girls are busy, rambunctious, have shown little to no fear in most situations, leap from any object and are frankly downright crazy. Their dad and I are very busy people and I'm no stereotypical girl myself, so I'm sure it has been bred into them. But when people suggest that I must have it easier because I have a house full of girls, I have to laugh to myself.

I haven't photographed all of the major injuries around here, but here's a taste. Note their ages - we have a loooooong way to go.
You can see #1 has put holes in her lip and bruised her teeth. This particular injury has happened to this particular child on more than one occasion.
#2 needed stitches in her forehead, but we were in a somewhat primitive location - Bosnia - so they made due with a butterfly bandage. The scar is still there. She also broke her arm at the ripe old age of 12 months.
Then, of course, the fracture #3 just got at a whopping 18 months. If you can read an x-ray, you can see the bump on the outside edge of the bone which indicates a buckle fracture.

What do the next couple of years have in store for us? I can only imagine.

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