Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I cannot stand fresh peaches!! I don't know how it originated, but strong repulsion from the fuzz is one my personal idiosyncrasies. If they've been peeled, cooked, canned or otherwise prepared, I think they're great. It's just the fuzz. The mere thought of touching them with the peel on makes my skin crawl, my teeth itch and my body involuntarily contort. Micah finds this fact about me absolutely hilarious.

Of course, we occasionally get peaches in our basket from our produce co-op and I have to make Micah put them away safely out of my way. Heaven forbid I accidentally touch one of those suckers. Not wanting my children to inherit this illogical fear of peach fuzz, I encourage them to go into the fridge on their own to grab one and enjoy. This way I can kill two birds with one stone: I can get them out of my house without touching them and they can enjoy a fruit I would never buy by choice. Win-win for everyone!!

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