Monday, August 2, 2010

Red Wine Soap

Rumor has it, the benefits of red wine also apply when used topically. There is tons of info online about this. I'm not really up for completely researching the topic at this point in time and finding all of the most credible studies, but I generally believe the claims.

Based on what I had heard through the grapevine (pun intended), I was excited to give a red wine soap recipe a try. I read up on the matter of soapmaking and felt prepared, but when I attempted it the first time, I foolishly opted to not double check my wine ratios. The result was a botched first batch. That'll teach me. Since I was an English/Lit major, I cannot begin to explain or understand why this is true, but the wine makes the chemical reaction happen FAST. There was no time to thoroughly mix the batch. The soap is usable, but I would be way too embarrassed to give it away. It will be used exclusively by my immediate family (lucky them).

After humbling myself to re-check my ratios, I figured out what I did wrong and vowed to try again. The chemical reaction still happened at an alarming rate, but worked a little better than the last time. Still not completely mixed, the soap has a swirled appearance. This time, I'm willing to share it. Some might even consider the swirls pretty. Maybe with more practice I'll be able to master the red wine soap.

I can't wait to use it and discover it truly is the bubbling fountain of youth. I fully expect all of my wrinkles and blemishes to disappear in a matter of weeks leaving a fresh and youthful appearance behind. According to my calculations, I'll be a millionaire by the end of the year.

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