Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Business Trip Frog

I don't think it's a big secret that Micah travels quite a bit for work. Sometimes things get a little tough - not just for me, but for the girls too.

Ok, rewind one sec.....

#1 is really into art projects. She very generously and thoughtfully gives them to specific people, but more often than not, I find art projects EVERYWHERE. She recently made a frog puppet and decided she'd give it to her dad.....he, of course, left it sitting on the table. I really didn't want to throw away yet another project, so I sneaked it into his laptop bag so that he could figure out what to do with it. He discovered it when he was at the airport on his way to San Francisco.

One of the many reasons I married this man was for his genius......

He took pictures of this frog puppet in various locations on his trip and texted them to me. The girls were thrilled to receive the texts and giggled each time one came through. It made daddy's absence just a little bit better knowing he was thinking of them along the way.

Also, not pictured, another delight in daddy's business trips: #1 has taken up collecting his hotel room keys. I find it kind of sad, but she loves it. I'm grateful she's the kind of girl to find the silver lining in the situation.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That is SO cute!!! What a good Daddy. :)