Thursday, April 22, 2010

#1 Goes Shopping

Several months ago, while we were at the school uniform store, #1 spotted a doll's dress made to look just like her uniform jumper. She begged me for it. I'll admit, it was a really cute idea and I know that she loves her doll to pieces, but it was $25. This is more money than I spend on dresses for her, so I wasn't too keen on whipping out the cash for a doll. If I were more skilled with textiles, I would have offered to make her one, but that is no where near my area of expertise. I gave her this option: She could go home and think about the purchase for a while. If she decided she still wanted it, she could go back and buy it with her own money at a later date.
I think she thought about that dress for about 6 months or so. I never mentioned it again. Then, just the other day, she told me she wanted it and I agreed.
Of course, we had to get SCRIP from school first so we could be sure to earn that 6% back! She walked into the store so proudly and bought that doll dress herself with her gift certificate. She and her doll are happy as clams.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

How cute is that!?!? She looks so proud!