Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Now a Blogger

Micah tried to get me to start a blog a few years ago. He insisted I'd enjoyed it, but I resisted. I thought of it as "one more thing I'd have to do".
Fast forward a few years and two more children - I have finally caved. I'm officially a blogger.
I guess I thought it would be a great way to keep loved ones connected to our family in a personal way as well as provide a somewhat creative outlet for me.
This is the second time in recent history that Micah has tried to convince me I would enjoy something and I've resisted, only to later find out he was right. The last one was soapmaking and no, I'm not kidding. I'm beginning to wonder if my husband knows me better than I know myself.
Anyway, hopefully this will be an enjoyable experience for me and for those who may choose to read it.

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