Thursday, April 22, 2010


SCRIP is a program many private schools have in place in order to make money for the school and to help keep tuition costs down.
Participating merchants and retailers agree to offer the school gift cards/certificates at a discounted rate. The percentage varies between retailers. You then purchase the gift cards from the school at face value. The difference between the face value purchase and the discounted rate is profit for the school. By purchasing SCRIP, you can earn extra money for the school without spending any more money than you normally would.
At our school, each family is asked to raise $150 in SCRIP. Any money we earn over that amount is split 50/50 between the school and the family. Our overages can then be credited back toward tuition or other fees. This incentive is very motivating and I continue to try to outdo myself to earn more money.
The list of SCRIP providers is actually quite extensive. I earn most of my SCRIP by doing my grocery shopping since Fry's is a participating store. Target, Old Navy and Kohls are also participators and are the stores where I do most of my clothes shopping for the girls.
This program also enables friends and family to help out without spending any extra money as well.

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