Monday, November 15, 2010

Winning Streak

Our oldest must be eating her Wheaties because she has become a winning machine.

First, she won a costume contest (certificate is not pictured because she already turned it in to redeem her free dress day).

Then, she had her name drawn from the LASER cards at school and won Dunkin' Donuts. LASER is an acronym for our school's learning expectations. The children can earn LASER cards as positive reinforcement for using these skills. Every Friday, cards are randomly drawn for prizes.

She also came home with an honorable mention award for a poster contest for Rosary Sunday. The picture is of Mary at the foot of the Cross.

Lastly, at Micah's Knights of Columbus meeting last week, she won Knight of the month....well, sort of. Last month, Micah organized and orchestrated the annual tootsie roll drive which benefited the Down Syndrome Network. He would have won the award himself, but his fellow knights could not ignore the fact that he couldn't done any of it without his right hand girl. She worked ceaselessly all weekend collecting money, counting money in the parish office, bringing water out to the knights in the field and collecting donations herself. They felt her hard work warranted a family of the month award.

Very accomplished for a 5 year old, I'd say.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Nice job Maddy! :)