Monday, August 30, 2010

I can swim....just watch me.

Following in the footsteps of her older sisters, #3 has finished her swimming lessons. Actually, the more accurate description would be "anti-drowning" lessons.
For our girls, we chose Infant Swimming Resource. The method teaches children as young as six months how to get themselves into a floating position should they fall into a swimming pool or other body of water. Living in Phoenix, where pools are everywhere, we believe this was one of the best things we could do for our children.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Miles Jesu

This morning we were invited to celebrate Mass with a small community of men who are part of the institution of Miles Jesu - Latin for Militia/Soldiers of Jesus. The institution was founded in the 60's in Arizona, reports directly to the Vatican and has a few small houses all over the world. I got a brief run down this morning, so I'm still unsure of all the details of their ministry and work.

This morning we arrived at their place which is a couple of dusty acres just north of South Mountain in the middle of an citrus (orange?) grove. It is a very simple and modest existence for sure, though we hear they're going to start a small business using the citrus crops on their land. I do know that in this location live 8 men (3 priests and 5 laymen) who have all taken vows of poverty and chastity to live a life dedicated to serving the community and Christ. They practice meditations and devotions as well as provide outreach to the community. They actually encourage lay members (even married couples are welcome to join) to remain in their occupations so they can bring the Kingdom of God to fruition through their daily lives. One of the members is apparently even a Continental airlines pilot! Because of their vow of poverty, everything they eat, use and wear is donated. This is how I got hooked up with the group. I am now part of a group that provides meals and/or groceries for these men. I'll also be bringing them lots of soap, of course! ;-)

The Mass was said mostly in Latin and was incredibly beautiful. The homily was long and not superficial. Micah and I really enjoyed it and agreed it was an amazing experience.

Their chapel is teeny tiny. There were about 3 rows of pews and a row of chairs. Today, it was packed full. Normally, we bring our children to 8:30 Mass because they are freshest early in the morning. This mass started at 10am. Also, unbeknownst to me at the time, the mass would last an hour and 45 minutes (I was told later that their masses aren't usually that long, but the Feast of the Assumption and some other things they had going on made it last longer today). With the confined space and the timing, I was a little nervous about how everything would play out with little children. I was so pleasantly surprised!....not by the children, but by the reception of them. First, we were not the only family there. As a matter of fact, for such a small space, there were A LOT of children there. I have never seen such a kind, compassionate and tolerant group. With every noise, wiggle and outburst from any of the kids, everyone in the place smiled. No one batted an eye when someone had to walk outside with their child, which happened to be me on more than one occasion. Even #3, who launched into a piercing scream when she slid off Micah's shoulder and knocked her head into the pew during the homily (while I was outside with the crying 2-year-old of course) was said to be "full of the Holy Spirit" by the priest actually giving the homily. Perhaps inspired, she ceased crying almost immediately. Given the very small space, every movement and noise was absolutely noticeable, but the murmuring activity seemed to actual help bring the community of believers together, rather than be a nuisance.

Afterward, when we were introducing ourselves to the priest who said Mass, I made a remark about hoping our children weren't too disruptive for him. I will never forget what he said. "Please don't ever apologize for your children. How can we call ourselves pro-life and have no tolerance for them?" He couldn't have made it any more concise than that. Furthermore, they had play equipment in their courtyard and I was told my children were welcome any time. We enjoyed a nice potluck meal (celebrating one of the priests 9th anniversary of his ordination) and then headed home.

I think Micah and I both felt a connection with this group. Their reverence, intellectual approach, warm and inviting demeanor, and lifestyle of complete devotion to Christ in all its simplicity very much inspired us. I'm looking forward to being a small part of that.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Business Trip Frog

I don't think it's a big secret that Micah travels quite a bit for work. Sometimes things get a little tough - not just for me, but for the girls too.

Ok, rewind one sec.....

#1 is really into art projects. She very generously and thoughtfully gives them to specific people, but more often than not, I find art projects EVERYWHERE. She recently made a frog puppet and decided she'd give it to her dad.....he, of course, left it sitting on the table. I really didn't want to throw away yet another project, so I sneaked it into his laptop bag so that he could figure out what to do with it. He discovered it when he was at the airport on his way to San Francisco.

One of the many reasons I married this man was for his genius......

He took pictures of this frog puppet in various locations on his trip and texted them to me. The girls were thrilled to receive the texts and giggled each time one came through. It made daddy's absence just a little bit better knowing he was thinking of them along the way.

Also, not pictured, another delight in daddy's business trips: #1 has taken up collecting his hotel room keys. I find it kind of sad, but she loves it. I'm grateful she's the kind of girl to find the silver lining in the situation.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

School Dayz

Ah, the first day of school......

#2 is going to a little pre-school for a few hours a couple of days a week. It's always a mixed bag of emotions when I let go of any of them, but this is doable amount of time. She is all too eager to leave me in the dust for this little bit of time. I'm sad, but ok.


It was my eldest "baby's" first day of KINDERGARTEN. Some things are just too much for a mother to bear!!!! Let's just say, putting on my make-up this morning was pointless.

After dropping them off, #3 went down for a nap. For a Tuesday morning, the silence is deafening.......

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Very Merry Half Birthday!!

It occurred to us that #2's half birthday was approaching. True to this family's celebratory spirit, her older sister quickly declared she was throwing her a half birthday tea party. With less than 24 hours notice, we ran to the store to pick up a giant cupcake.
The next morning, they could hardly contain themselves knowing we had a party to throw. I thought about making them wait until later in the day, but decided not to torture them.
So yes!....I admit it!.....we all shared a giant cupcake for breakfast!!
We sang "Happy Half Birthday", she blew out her candle and we celebrated. :-)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Red Wine Soap

Rumor has it, the benefits of red wine also apply when used topically. There is tons of info online about this. I'm not really up for completely researching the topic at this point in time and finding all of the most credible studies, but I generally believe the claims.

Based on what I had heard through the grapevine (pun intended), I was excited to give a red wine soap recipe a try. I read up on the matter of soapmaking and felt prepared, but when I attempted it the first time, I foolishly opted to not double check my wine ratios. The result was a botched first batch. That'll teach me. Since I was an English/Lit major, I cannot begin to explain or understand why this is true, but the wine makes the chemical reaction happen FAST. There was no time to thoroughly mix the batch. The soap is usable, but I would be way too embarrassed to give it away. It will be used exclusively by my immediate family (lucky them).

After humbling myself to re-check my ratios, I figured out what I did wrong and vowed to try again. The chemical reaction still happened at an alarming rate, but worked a little better than the last time. Still not completely mixed, the soap has a swirled appearance. This time, I'm willing to share it. Some might even consider the swirls pretty. Maybe with more practice I'll be able to master the red wine soap.

I can't wait to use it and discover it truly is the bubbling fountain of youth. I fully expect all of my wrinkles and blemishes to disappear in a matter of weeks leaving a fresh and youthful appearance behind. According to my calculations, I'll be a millionaire by the end of the year.