Monday, May 17, 2010

Steam Mop

I have a discovered a great product that has opened up a whole new world for me! Since, I have been hearing that a lot of people knew about this long before I did and I'm kicking myself for not finding it sooner.

It all started when we rented a carpet cleaner to deep clean our carpets. We have carpet in the Master bedroom and on the stairs - that's it. The rest of the house is tile, marble and hardwood. That's a lot of mopping (with occasional hands-n-knees scrubbing)! I wondered if there was a machine we could rent that would deep clean the hard floors. I started looking around and found something even better. Oh, the beauty of the Steam Mop!!

After doing my research, I headed over to Bed Bath and Beyond with my 20% off coupon and my SCRIP to look at the options up close. I'll spare you all the boring details of how I agonized over the decision (with three kids and three dogs I was very concerned with getting the product that would do the job I needed it to do). I walked out with the Shark Deluxe Steam Mop System. There are other models and other price ranges for steam mops. I can't compare what I have to them, but I can compare it to regular mopping.

My old routine involved filling a sink or bathtub with Lysol and hot water. Going back and forth with the mop and then waiting forever for it to dry. Then, I got to watch the filthy water go down the drain. It's a very tedious and tiring job in this house full of hard floors.

So, here's the deal with the steam mop. You fill the canister with water, plug it in and mop your floor. It is dry about 10-15 seconds after you finish. Then you throw you mop pad into the washer and you're done. Half the time and half the effort! As if that's not enough, The steam is hot enough to sanitize without the use of chemicals! I wouldn't necessarily call myself "anti-chemical", but if you can do the same job just as well without them, even better. Also, as we continue to deal with asthma and allergies, I'm open to ways of making things more pure in the household.

I mentioned my needs are pretty heavy duty with three kids and three dogs. This mop actually does take care of everything. All of the gunk, spots and food came up. The steam was enough to dissolve the mess and the mop pad took it all up. I'm very pleased with the results.

An added bonus....there is an attachment that allows you to run the mop over carpets, rugs and mattresses, etc. While it won't clean them, the steam will sanitize them.

I'm now much less inclined to procrastinate on my floor duties now and my floors feel so much cleaner than they ever have. Over time, I'll save money on the Lysol as well as valuable time and energy.

I love my Steam Mop!!

You can read other rave reviews at Amazon.

1 comment:

Janice said...

How about dog hair??