Sunday, May 9, 2010

What a Weekend!

This has been a whirlwind of a weekend.....
My brother came into town from the East Coast to visit his youngest niece. She was as in love with him as he was with her. Every time he picked her up, she snuggled into him and didn't move.
On Friday night, the older group of cousins on my mom's side went out dancing. It has been years since we've all been in the same place at the same time, so we had to celebrate. We had tons of fun.

The following morning, #3 was baptized. It was a beautiful and intimate ceremony and we were reminded of our calling to be Christian parents. She was baptized in the same church and by the same priest that married us and baptized our other two children. #1 has been learning about baptism in school, so it was especially exciting for her. She was all too happy to tell us what every little detail of the ceremony was about and what it meant for her littlest sister.

That afternoon, one of my cousins graduated from college. That meant more partying! Family, Friends and Fun as far as the eye could see. We are all so proud of her for working so hard.

And then came Mother's day. All three of my girls slept until after 8:00 AM!!!!!! If that was as good as the day would get, it was beyond PERFECT!! #1 finally let me open the present she made for me at school - she had been bursting at the seams all week with excitement and secrecy. It was "a box full of love" with a little poem attached. We went to the late Mass (thanks to the sleeping in) and I received a Mother's day blessing. A beautiful rendition of "Ave Maria" was sung. That is one of my favorite songs and I always tear up when I hear it. I kept thinking about how much God must have loved Mary to entrust her with Jesus and how much He must love me to entrust me with these three little girls who bring so much joy and purpose to my life. As difficult as my days can be at times, the rewards are infinite. shopping a vocation continues without ceasing.

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