Thursday, April 29, 2010

To Sell or Not to Sell.....

I had a very frustrating night of soapmaking last night. I just couldn't get it quite right. I talked to a soapmaker at a farmer's market last weekend (she was selling gorgeous homemade bars for $5 each) and she said it took her about 7 years of practice before she had perfected a good product. Needless to say, I am greatly enjoying this hobby and I'm determined to master it, but at this rate, I have a LONG way to go. The bottom line is that I need to practice, practice, practice.

I have been saying that I have no business selling and making a profit off of this product and that is still a true statement. But, I think I've come up with a plan to help me along. I'm going to sell my bars at 50 cents a piece in order to offset the cost of supplies so I can get some more practice in. At that price, I can more or less break even on the bar. The buyer can enjoy homemade soap, albeit lower quality, at 90-95% off a normal retail price and double as my guinea pig.

I discussed my business plan with my financier (aka hubby), and he said it sounded like a good one.

So, here's my lemonade stand pitch:

Pure, all natural, homemade soap for 50 cents a bar!!


Julie said...

I will definitely buy some. I'm going to "share" this post in my reader so my friends will know about you. :)

HB said...

I would love to buy some. Please email me and we can talk details: