Tuesday, April 20, 2010

#2's Personality

As much as I know that individuals have their own personalities and quirks, I am continually amazed at how very different each of my children are from one another.
I had been dreading potty training #2 because it wasn't necessarily the most fun I'd had with #1.
Then, one day last week, it occurred to me that it was going to be much easier this time around. #2 is what we affectionately call "tenacious" in every way. When she has a goal, she doesn't quit until it's reached. It has been this way since she was 1 hour old. Each time she decided to do something or that she wanted something (talking, walking, getting us to give her that piece of candy) it was evident she would succeed or else. So, that day, I told her she was going to start using the potty, put some underpants on her and that was it. It took two or three accidents for her to figure it out and it was done. I'm happy to report that she's been consistent for about a week now with no accidents. I can't believe how easy that was and wish I had started earlier rather than fretting about process!! But it wouldn't have been that way if it weren't for her amazing and determined personality. I am very excited to see where this specific trait leads her in life.
I always say that God chose the right child to be the middle child in this family. She will refuse to get lost in the chaos and continue to demand that piece of candy until she gets it.


Kim Wright said...

first off..soap making? How does one do that! I think I would love to do that as well!

Potty training..hmm. Currently I'm just working on my 16 month old boy keeping his diaper on. He loves to take his diaper off and run free! And then his "sprinkler" waters my entire house! And if steaking wasn't fun enough for him..squirting things takes fun to a whole new level ;)

I'm so happy everything is going well! Tell 1,2, and 3 hi!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations doesn't begin to explain how awesome it is to have another kid potty trained! Way to go Jenny and way to go Stella!

Sarah_M1130 said...

does #2 have a name? lol