Friday, April 30, 2010

No Sale

So, after consulting with my accountant (aka my aunt), I have decided that I will not be selling my soaps. I will go back to giving them away!
Evidently, in order to sell goods (unless at a loss), you need a business license as well as charge, report and pay state sales tax. I could take the risk, but I'm told that getting caught is a nightmare.
I'm having way too much fun and not nearly good enough to get into all of that.
Those of you who have contacted me, I will still give you your soap. :-)

A Success!!

This batch was such a headache, but I couldn't be more proud of how it turned out.
They are made with raw shea butter and lavender scented. mmmmmmm

Thursday, April 29, 2010

To Sell or Not to Sell.....

I had a very frustrating night of soapmaking last night. I just couldn't get it quite right. I talked to a soapmaker at a farmer's market last weekend (she was selling gorgeous homemade bars for $5 each) and she said it took her about 7 years of practice before she had perfected a good product. Needless to say, I am greatly enjoying this hobby and I'm determined to master it, but at this rate, I have a LONG way to go. The bottom line is that I need to practice, practice, practice.

I have been saying that I have no business selling and making a profit off of this product and that is still a true statement. But, I think I've come up with a plan to help me along. I'm going to sell my bars at 50 cents a piece in order to offset the cost of supplies so I can get some more practice in. At that price, I can more or less break even on the bar. The buyer can enjoy homemade soap, albeit lower quality, at 90-95% off a normal retail price and double as my guinea pig.

I discussed my business plan with my financier (aka hubby), and he said it sounded like a good one.

So, here's my lemonade stand pitch:

Pure, all natural, homemade soap for 50 cents a bar!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Soap Ingredients

The UPS truck just arrived! I was thinking about going to bed early tonight, but I don't think that's going to happen now. I'm very excited to try a couple of new recipes.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dirty 6

This morning we all headed over to Rawhide for the Dirty 6 Mud Run. I think the name says it all, but just in case it doesn't - it is a 6 (Micah says closer to 7) mile run through 9 obstacles including a wall of water, river crossings, slip 'n' slide and mud pits. Micah did this run last year and was pumped up to do it again.
After the 6 mile race, kids 14 and under were able to do a 1 mile run that ended in the mud pit at the finish line. #1 and #2 were all too excited to participate in this event. Unfortunately, as I was getting all set up to take some great shots of my girls in the mud, the fire department thought it would be hilarious to spray the pit and crowd with a large fire hose. I had to cover my brand new camera and get my infant daughter out of the line of fire - FAST. I am so disappointed that I have no pictures of the girls in the race.
I also made a very unfortunate, last minute decision to not use my telephoto lens during the main race, so I do not have any close ups of Micah in the mud pit. Next year, I hope to be much more prepared.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

#1 Goes Shopping

Several months ago, while we were at the school uniform store, #1 spotted a doll's dress made to look just like her uniform jumper. She begged me for it. I'll admit, it was a really cute idea and I know that she loves her doll to pieces, but it was $25. This is more money than I spend on dresses for her, so I wasn't too keen on whipping out the cash for a doll. If I were more skilled with textiles, I would have offered to make her one, but that is no where near my area of expertise. I gave her this option: She could go home and think about the purchase for a while. If she decided she still wanted it, she could go back and buy it with her own money at a later date.
I think she thought about that dress for about 6 months or so. I never mentioned it again. Then, just the other day, she told me she wanted it and I agreed.
Of course, we had to get SCRIP from school first so we could be sure to earn that 6% back! She walked into the store so proudly and bought that doll dress herself with her gift certificate. She and her doll are happy as clams.


SCRIP is a program many private schools have in place in order to make money for the school and to help keep tuition costs down.
Participating merchants and retailers agree to offer the school gift cards/certificates at a discounted rate. The percentage varies between retailers. You then purchase the gift cards from the school at face value. The difference between the face value purchase and the discounted rate is profit for the school. By purchasing SCRIP, you can earn extra money for the school without spending any more money than you normally would.
At our school, each family is asked to raise $150 in SCRIP. Any money we earn over that amount is split 50/50 between the school and the family. Our overages can then be credited back toward tuition or other fees. This incentive is very motivating and I continue to try to outdo myself to earn more money.
The list of SCRIP providers is actually quite extensive. I earn most of my SCRIP by doing my grocery shopping since Fry's is a participating store. Target, Old Navy and Kohls are also participators and are the stores where I do most of my clothes shopping for the girls.
This program also enables friends and family to help out without spending any extra money as well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

#2's Personality

As much as I know that individuals have their own personalities and quirks, I am continually amazed at how very different each of my children are from one another.
I had been dreading potty training #2 because it wasn't necessarily the most fun I'd had with #1.
Then, one day last week, it occurred to me that it was going to be much easier this time around. #2 is what we affectionately call "tenacious" in every way. When she has a goal, she doesn't quit until it's reached. It has been this way since she was 1 hour old. Each time she decided to do something or that she wanted something (talking, walking, getting us to give her that piece of candy) it was evident she would succeed or else. So, that day, I told her she was going to start using the potty, put some underpants on her and that was it. It took two or three accidents for her to figure it out and it was done. I'm happy to report that she's been consistent for about a week now with no accidents. I can't believe how easy that was and wish I had started earlier rather than fretting about process!! But it wouldn't have been that way if it weren't for her amazing and determined personality. I am very excited to see where this specific trait leads her in life.
I always say that God chose the right child to be the middle child in this family. She will refuse to get lost in the chaos and continue to demand that piece of candy until she gets it.

I'm Now a Blogger

Micah tried to get me to start a blog a few years ago. He insisted I'd enjoyed it, but I resisted. I thought of it as "one more thing I'd have to do".
Fast forward a few years and two more children - I have finally caved. I'm officially a blogger.
I guess I thought it would be a great way to keep loved ones connected to our family in a personal way as well as provide a somewhat creative outlet for me.
This is the second time in recent history that Micah has tried to convince me I would enjoy something and I've resisted, only to later find out he was right. The last one was soapmaking and no, I'm not kidding. I'm beginning to wonder if my husband knows me better than I know myself.
Anyway, hopefully this will be an enjoyable experience for me and for those who may choose to read it.