Monday, July 15, 2013

My Food Journey

I've been experimenting with food for more than a few years now.  I like to read, ask questions and learn about food and how to prepare it.   I have completely messed up countless recipes and learned from the experience.   My hope is to learn more and more about healthy eating and continue to give my family the best that I can.  The singular goal of providing my husband and kids tasty and nutritious food, makes the work of it all pleasurable.

I call it a journey because it has been.  Micah and I like to joke about how we used to eat when we first got married.  It was HORRIBLE.  No seriously, it was horrible.  When I look back to 5 years ago, it was slightly better since kids were in the picture, but still wasn't great.  Then, if I try to imagine how we'll eat 5 years from now, I'm just sure it will be different still.  I'm always learning and always making small changes, so that when I stop to think about it, I realize how much has changed over the years.

At this point in the journey, I'm not big on subscribing to one specific food philosophy as if it's the end all be all of eating.  I like following the principles of clean eating, anti-inflammatory, paleo, raw food, real food and probably a few others.  What I like is that while they all have a different emphasis and strategies of their own, they have big ideas in common:  less processed food, more fruits and veggies (especially veggies), more flavor, more emphasis on taking care of your body from the inside out, more real food and less "food-like" substances, more good fats.......the list goes on.

When I'm at home, I try to follow these healthy principles as much as possible (though I'm still a long way from 100%), but thus far, I've believed in breaking rules to live life.  I believe we should be able to: go on vacation and enjoy regional foods, enjoy friends' birthday parties including the pizza and cake, be guests in someone's home and be gracious about accepting what they prepare for us....and my favorite....accept that sometimes Mom just needs a night off.    I hope that in the end, the scale tips more toward the side of healthy, but that we're not slaves to restriction.  Who knows....maybe in that unforeseeable 5 years, that will change, but for now, that's where I am and I'm good with it.

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