Saturday, June 23, 2012

Living in a Fog

To say the last several months since #4 has been born have been busy would be an understatement.  Sometimes Micah and look at each other and our eyes seem to scream "We've lost all control!  Don't tell the kids!"

We've been barely keeping our heads above water with our main downfall being lack of organization.
Now that summer vacation is in full swing and we have returned from our only planned trip, we have no more excuses.  We plan to get ourselves back on track.

One of my biggest personal goals is to get all of my technology working for me to help make my life easier.  Like last summer, I plan to get the kids' calendars entered into my own e-calendar.  Getting that back up to date will help.  I have been using my Motivated Moms app sporadically, but with no where to go in the next couple of months, that will be a daily thing again.

I just installed the blogger app, which I hope will help with this since I barely have time to sit at my computer anymore.  I also found a reader app, so that I can get caught up on reading blogs I like - friends, family, personal interest and learning - I haven't read a blog post in months.

Our printer just died.  Today we got a super cool new wireless printer.  I can print from my phone or ipad, which means I can print from anywhere.  I'm sure that capability will come in handy sometime...if not a "need", definitely fun.  When technology makes this that easy, it's hard to resist using it to help you get on top of life.

And something that's been bothering me for a loooooong time.....the picture at the top of this blog is not current!  Of course, I try to change it, but my drop down menu of options is messed.  I currently have an email in to the "help" out there somewhere.  Look people, I'm trying to get it together here.  The least you could do is have my drop down menu fully functional.

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to getting out from under myself and back up and running soon.

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