Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fun with whole grains

This past weekend, our produce co-op offered 25 pounds of beans and grains for $22 and I couldn't pass it up. We got 5lb bags each of green split peas, garbanzo beans, pearl barley, whole wheat and lentils. While I have cooked with each of these a little bit in the past, I usually don't have these huge bags sitting around, so I've been having a lot of fun trying new recipes. Micah and I have been talking about modifying our gluten intake recently anyway, so the timing was pretty perfect.

We've enjoyed barley and eggs every morning for breakfast. We can't believe how filling it much more so than our usual bowl of cereal! I made a crock pot split pea soup (also incredibly filling) for the first time - also delicious. We've had a brown rice and lentil chicken dish and I'll be making a garbanzo bean and tomato soup in the next day or two (have to soak the beans first)

But my favorite discovery so far has been the spicy roasted garbanzo beans. Think corn nuts, but healthier.

Soak your beans over night. Pat dry. Put in a bowl with a little bit of olive oil, sea salt and the spice of your choice (cayenne, curry - I chose turmeric). Put on baking sheet in single layer and bake on 400 for about 40-45 minutes.

#1 begged me for some to take to school and hubby gladly helped himself to some for work.

Yummy crunchy snack!

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