Saturday, May 1, 2010

Beautiful Day

Today was our last Kids' Activity of the school year for SGC (St. Gerard's Circle - a mom's group at our church). I organized a family hike to close out the year. Saturdays seem to be pretty busy for most families, so only three families came and it turned out to be a great little group. All of the kids did a fantastic job walking the two mile loop. Only occasional rests in Daddys' arms for the little ones and a couple of great battle wounds on some others. Micah always remembers to remind the kids that cuts and scrapes are ways to prove you had a great hike in God's beautiful world.
Not pictured are #3 who was in my front pack and another little boy in a backpack.

After our hike, we came home to do a little spring cleaning and then I took #1 shopping to replace the summer clothes she has outgrown. Busy Day!

As if that weren't enough...#3 rolled from back to front today. All four of us erupted into cheers and applause. It was definitely a family high point. :-) This little one doesn't yet recognize how blessed she is to have two wonderful and loving big sisters, but I know she could never imagine life without them. :-)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Looks fun!! I hated to miss it!! But we had a crazy day with t-ball, soccer, two birthday parties and a flooded kitchen to fix.