Sunday, April 3, 2011

I wish I knew then....

I've said before, my second daughter is a "spirited child". Actually, they all are, but second is the most text book version. For a complete picture of what a spirited child is, read "Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, Energetic" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

With spirited children, every day is a challenge, but some phases tend to be a bit harder. We're going through some of that now.
As I was sitting here reflecting, praying and refining my game plan, I had to chuckle to myself at my very first memory of her.....

I was in labor and awake for approximately 48 hours before she blessed the world with her presence. Let me be clear. NO sleep and in pain for TWO whole days. To say I was tired would be the understatement of the century.

I'm not really the type to send my fresh, newborn baby to the nursery by choice, but in this case, if I didn't get a solid couple of hours of sleep I was afraid of what might happen. So, after welcoming her into the world and feeding her, I asked the nurses to take her to the nursery and promptly passed out.

A couple of hours later, a nurse came into my room and woke me from the deepest sleep known to man and said "Mom, she's not having it. She's been screaming since she got to the nursery and there's nothing we can do to console her. She wants to be with you." Let me tell you, this is NOT what I wanted to hear from my coma-like state. She then re-swaddled my newborn and laid her in bed next to me. She instantly snuggled into me and fell asleep like she didn't have a care in the world. The two of us slept there together like rocks for the next five hours when we woke up famished.

What I didn't realize at the time and have grown to know about her, is that this was her personality in all it's glory from day one. She let us know who she was from her first breath.

She's a girl who wants it her way or no way at all. She's a girl who will make loud demands and argue with anyone who stands in her way. If she sets her mind to it, she can move mountains. She has strong opinions and is tough, is persistent and relentless - all qualities present in the most wonderful adults I know.

But most importantly, she's a girl who with just a little bit of love, attention and affection, can be the most endearing, sweet and heart-melting human being I've ever known.

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