Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have the distinct pleasure/honor/responsibility of waking up before everyone else in my family. Everything just runs a little more smoothly in the mornings if I'm up and ready to go before the hustle and bustle begin.
Just the other morning, I was walking down the stairs to get my coffee when I spotted a huge flock of quail outside through the window on the stairs. I quickly grabbed my camera and ran outside to photograph them. They were enjoying the cool(ish) morning and taking advantage of the time to play on the street before everyone started on their way to work and school. Within minutes of taking the photos, they quickly scurried back into hiding.
I suppose there was nothing extraordinary about the moment other than that I took the time to actually appreciate something to which I may have been the only witness - especially because I rarely appreciate having to wake up first.

This moment (among others) has also made me want to invest in a super telephoto lens. Time to start saving!

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