Monday, February 28, 2011


My sweet, sweet husband gave me an iPad for Christmas. I'm notorious for being behind the curve on making technology work for me and tend to not use my gadgets to their fullest potential. This time, I'm bound and determined to change that. I have been investing a lot of time and energy in making my iPad a useful tool rather than a mere vehicle for games and ebooks. I must say, I'm doing a pretty good job, so far.

Calendar- With Micah's help, I was able to sync up the calendar on the iPad with my online calendar. The best part is that they now automatically sync up via the wireless connection and I don't even have to push a button. I can now take my iPad to meetings, school or wherever, enter things into my calendar and then just go home. Everything I entered while I was away goes right to my computer. I can also set up email reminders as well as alarms on my iPad

Chore Chart- The girls and I have been struggling to find a system for chores that we (mostly me) like. We found a chore app that just might fit the bill and kill a few birds with one stone. I plan to write more about the chore chart once we work out some of the kinks.

Cooking/Fitness- There are countless cooking and fitness apps available. I've downloaded some and plan to use favorites will probably evolve. Right now, I can look up recipes by meal or main ingredients. I can look up substitutions if I don't have/like an ingredient in the recipe. I can also record my workouts and look up the nutrition facts of my favorite foods.

Motivated Moms- This is my favorite app so far! It's a "chore chart" just for mom. MM generates a daily list of tasks to help you keep your house clean and organized. There are tasks that have to be completed daily like dishes, sweeping, cleaning the kitchen counters and sink and your daily bible reading (these readings don't match my bible study, but at least the reminder is there). Then, each day, you get a short list of tasks outside of your daily responsibilities. All of these tasks are rotated on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly or semi-annual basis. Some examples are: clean toilets, change a/c filters, clean out purse, clean out car, vacuum behind refrigerator, organize medicine cabinets, etc. I wake up to find things on my list that I either never think about or at least not until it's way past due. Now I know that if I follow the list, it will all get done. I don't think I have EVER cleaned behind my refrigerator, but it was on my list last week. I can tell you my house already feels cleaner knowing that's done.
The best part is that the daily list is really manageable which is very important to me. I don't have to spend the whole day cleaning. If I have five minutes, I can cross something off my list. In my worst case scenario, I get very little done all day. However, I can count on the list being reasonable enough for me to finish it off after the girls go to bed and still have time to relax.
Motivated Moms has a free app for iPhone and iPad which I've been using for a while. It gives you the list and allows you to check things off. For $10, you can purchase the upgrade which allows you to add your own things to your list and to move things around between days. MM also has an online ebook available here.

I feel more productive and I'm looking forward to finding other ways to use my iPad.